We lived our Ordinary lives (video)
video, 19 min, 2012
How does one transform during wartime? In the film childhood memories of the siege of Sarajevo are combined with excerpts from guilty pleas from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. By asking a moslim girl that lived through the war, now in her early 20s, the same questions about her sense of belonging before, during and after the war, the film shows the transformation people go through during civil war. Without ever mentioning the actual context, the war becomes the real protagonist. As an unsettling immersion in the anomalies of our contemporary world, the film traces the painful way in which a human being may forever lose its trust in humanity.
Watch 'We lived our Ordinary Lives' (4 min excerpt) on vimeo here
director: Daya Cahen
editor: Daya Cahen
camera: Daya Cahen
sound: Daya Cahen
soundmix: De Auditieve Dienst / Arnoud Traa
Fixer: Vildana Drljevic
Cast: Latifa Imamovic
This film was supported by the Mondriaan Foundation, the Dutch Filmfund
and Stichting Democratie en Media